Is this hen a black faverolle?


It's much prettier now, I just need to put something other than plastic in the windows...any suggestions?

That's what I originally wanted to do, but it's so expensive! I'm poor these days.
I might leave the ugly plastic until I come up with the money for plexi glass. I've been thinking about just stapling the chicken wire over the windows, but I'm afraid it will get too drafty now that it's cooling down outside.
I know what you mean about being broke. I thought about chicken wire too and it would be good in the summer, maybe in the winter get the real heavy plastic and staple it over the chicken wire.
We're leaving mesh in the windows (chicken wire would work too) and putting plexi glass on the front door. The mesh in the windows makes for good cross ventilation.
Can you pick up a cheap picture frame? Either new or used would work. Or an old storm window. You could use the rigid plastic or glass out of it, depending on what you find. You could always cut it down, if you get a piece that's too big.

Maybe you know someone with something like that laying around or you might come across something at a yard sale. Sometimes if you tell people you're looking for something, they people think of junk they want to get rid of or somebody they know wants to get rid of. There's always Freecycle or Craigslist, too.

That is a really cute coop.

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