Is this normal chick behavior?


Star Bright Farm
11 Years
Jul 24, 2008
Brown City, Michigan (Thumb)
This is in regards to one of my 3 wk. old bantam cochin pullets. A couple of days ago, I was in my garage (where the brooder is) just watching "the gang". My son had put a couple of very small plastic balls, yellow colored, in the brooder for the chicks to play with. As I was watching, this one little pullet went over to the ball, and proceeded to try and push it up under her, just like a hen does with an egg. And the whole time, she was making these little clucking sounds. Also, whenever she finds something special to eat, she "calls" the other chicks over to share. Is this normal for a chick her age? None of the other girls do it at. Maybe she's just going to be exceptionally broody? It's so ridiculously cute though.
Sounds cute. When they grow up the rooster is usually the one to make a call noise to draw the hens over when he's found something good to eat.
Sounds cute. When they grow up the rooster is usually the one to make a call noise to draw the hens over when he's found something good to eat.

This is more like the sound a hen makes when she's calling over her chicks to feed them something good.

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