Is this normal?


Jul 14, 2019
Castro valley, CA
i have 9 chickens and they are all losing theirs feathers it started in March Andy it’s still going on in July is this normal all of my chickens are like this
Likely one or more of your chickens is picking the others bare. If that's the case you need to look into protein levels in their feed, as well as finding them things to do (if they're confined in a run). To see who the culprits are (often it's the ones with the least amount of damage) you'll need to find some time to sit and watch them interact.
Yes there are 3 white ones that keep hitting everyone while they are playing in the dirt we should probably get rid of them. Maybe after we get some babies from then
Yes there are 3 white ones that keep hitting everyone while they are playing in the dirt we should probably get rid of them
You could just get rid of them....or figure out why they are doing that.
Space and feed are the first things to look at.
How many birds total...and what are their ages and genders?
How big is your coop and run, in feet by feet?
Dimensions and pics would help here.
What all and how exactly are you feeding?
Their house is 6x10 and 8 ft tall and their run is 6x21 and 8 feet tall. I had 24 chickens but now I have 13 left. So is space a problem for 13 chickens?
Their house is 6x10 and 8 ft tall and their run is 6x21 and 8 feet tall. I had 24 chickens but now I have 13 left. So is space a problem for 13 chickens?
Not too bad....unless the aggression started when there were 24.
What happened to the other birds, and how long have they been gone?

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