Is This Pasty Butt or an Umbilical Cord? PIC INCLUDED

All of the chicks I received this morning seem perfect except one little Delaware (?). I think she still has her umbilical cord attached but it is a bit larger than I imagined it would be. I think her vent is not covered but I just want to make sure it is not pasty butt. I did gently wipe her bottom with a warm, wet washcloth. She seems OK (has eaten and drank) but is more sleepy than the other chicks. She keeps wanting to sleep on her side and the other ones want to pick at her little sore bottom!

Here's a pic:

I think the green color is from the Oasis feed supplement Meyer gives the chicks prior to shipping.

My mom accidentally pulled one of those off thinking it was pasty butt once. When I got home she was just about in tears thinking she might of killed it. She said "One of the chicks had this thing on it's bottom and I thought it was poop and I pulled it off and it bled! There was a hole or something under it!" I went to go check it out and I couldn't even figure out which one she had done it to. They all looked normal.
So don't pull it off. It bleeds and makes you sad. But it apparently doesn't hurt them.

Here is a pic of Pip and Queen Bee
sorry its sideways i didnt know how to turn it

Hi I was just wondering how your runt was doing:)

Thanks for asking. The poor little girl starting getting really weak the second evening we had her and passed away on day three. I've since read up quite a bit here on BYC and I wonder if she didn't fully absorb her yolk sack. She was so sweet, I miss her.

The good news is that the rest of my flock is doing very well.
I accidentally wiped off the umbilical cord (somehow in all my reading I missed they had a belly button) I'm super concerned I may have wrecked her--how concerned should I be...she had a pasty vent which is why I was even in the area. She is 3 days old. Pls help!
I accidentally wiped off the umbilical cord (somehow in all my reading I missed they had a belly button) I'm super concerned I may have wrecked her--how concerned should I be...she had a pasty vent which is why I was even in the area. She is 3 days old. Pls help!
I have done that too and they turned out OK.
Phew. Thanks. Seriously these chicks are stressing me out! Maybe I'm over thinking everything

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