Is this poop ok?


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2019
New to the chicken world.

My chickens seem to be ok. Though today i noticed a bit of blood in one of their poo's. Is this ok? When i poked at it, it didn't seem like much but just want to double check I'm not ignoring anything.
It looks abnormal- if it’s a laying hen monitor if she lays or not. If she doesn’t I suggest calling a vet. Contact me for the number because most vets don’t do chickens. She could have just eaten something she couldn’t digest.
The red blob that looks like blood is concerning. Drop a bit of hydrogen peroxide on it. If it fizzes, it's blood. Then you would be wise to take a sample of this poop to a vet and ask for a fecal float test to determine if there is an overload of coccidia in it. Any vet can do it, and they don't need to know anything about treating chickens.

The test is simple and quick, and shouldn't cost more than $25-$30. You would then have confirmation of coccidiosis, and you would then be confident that treating your entire flock with Corid will prevent any of them from getting very sick and dying.

There isn't always blood present in the stool of chickens with coccidiosis. Spotting this blood could indicate that coccidia are beginning to erode and inflame the intestinal lining, and that can lead to irreversible damage if not treated quickly.
I have 6 chickens 2 of which are laying (my silkies who are very sporadic inlaying anywat)No idea who's poo it is. ?? Might check with a nearby vet. Thanks for the tips. I know they shed intestinal lining so was hoping it was something like that but it is rather bright
I have 6 chickens 2 of which are laying (my silkies who are very sporadic inlaying anywat)No idea who's poo it is. ?? Might check with a nearby vet. Thanks for the tips. I know they shed intestinal lining so was hoping it was something like that but it is rather bright
Do you need the number for the exotic vet? They take microscopic tests which signifies if there is any bacteria in the poop.
Vetwest won't do it. Just Called Greenfields vet in Mandurah and they will send it off to get tested. About to find out the cost......thanks for the offer.
The vet bill was $250 just to get an X-ray and examination for my dog. It was even more money to put him down because the risk was too high.

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