Is this really a buff orpington?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 13, 2012
When I bought my pullets at one week old I got a plymouth rock barred, a silver laced wyandotte and 2 buff orpingtons. They looked the same as chicks until they got feathers. One looks yellow like a buff, but the other one is red..did they sell me a rhode island red and say it was an orpington? Or is this one just red? Is there a way to tell as they get older?
Bummer. I want my 25 cents back! :)

Sorry, but I think you will like her. I think Rhodies are really pretty and great layers.
That looks just like my Maisey! Blonde head and everything. She was in the Red Pullet bin @ TSC. I got her and two others. She was the only one with the light head. The sign said Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshire Reds, Production Reds... anyway you look at it RED it is. On the bright side, they lay lots of eggs and Maisey is very sweet.
She is middle of the road for personality compared to the others, lol. The plymouth rock barred Rosie rules the roost and is favorite of the family (seems smartest). The red is named Clementine, she wavers between 2nd and 3rd in line with Penelope (the buff, she is the sweetest and most curious about people). Petunia (wyandotte) is at the bottom and runs from everything, always plays its safe. I can't wait for the first eggs!
Looks just like my rhode island red chicks. Looks like you have a good little combination there. Good luck.

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