Is this red poop normal for ducklings?

I'd recommend getting them some duck feed if you can. I don't know if it's what's causing the red poop, but they'll be missing out on some vitamins/nutrients critical to their development on the above diet.
Unfortunately it's not easy to find duck food where I live.
I also give them cooked eggs a few times a week
They really need a good feed [not bird seed] especially when so young. Are you in the US? much easier to find feed etc here than many other countries. At around 3 weeks is when you may start to see problems with their legs, having problems with weakness, bowed legs beginning and then lameness because at this age niacin deficiency is showing up. Waterfowl need niacin to keep this from happening and rolled oats and birdseed isn't going to give them what they need. Also ducklings that are growing at such a fast rate of speed need protein also. Duck feed has basically all they need some can still show a niacin deficiency even on the best feed but it must be more of not being able to assimilate the niacin in their feed for the particular duckling. So many of us will also add a niacin supplement to their feed, Nutritional yeast is one, liquid B complex is another and the best if one is already showing problems with their legs.
That poop could be from something they ate in a veggie you gave them.
Thanks for your detailed reply.
I don't live in the US and duck feed is really difficult to find here, I even tried ordering it online but didn't find any satisfying results.
How do I know if they have problems with weakness in their legs?
They do sleep a lot tho is that a bad sign?
Duck feed is really not that easy to find here just depends on where you live. I feed chick starter and add nutritional yeast to my duckling's food when they are young. Chick starter doesn't have enough niacin for waterfowl.
here is info on niacin deficiency
Ducklings will sleep then they are up eating and messing around usually in their water then they sleep so it's not necessarily a bad thing as long as they are active and eating and drinking .
what breed are your ducklings?and pictures are welcome we love pictures.

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