Is this site wrong?

rooster brandon.

9 Years
Sep 10, 2010
Kodak, by knoxville
Ok this site said if you want to you can let the eggs pile up and the hen might go broody and hatch them is this right?And if it is if you let the eggs pile like 1 egg a day how do they hatch at the same time?
That's what normally happens... she'll lay one per day for however many days and when she's ready (who knows how she knows) then she starts setting on them... rolls them... dumps any that aren't developing (again, how does she know)... eventually to hatch...

I donno how successful you'd be trying to force some breeds to brood... some just don't wanna.... but others, Silkies for instance, are known for being broody mamas.

Never done it, but that's the info that stuck from various topics..

What breed/s are yours?

Oh, and how they all hatch on the same day-ish is because they don't (re)start developing until there's a specific temperature... just like ones on the counter don't develop... until ya put them in the incubator... they all start developing when she sets and gets that temp up... so their start time is all the same, even if one egg is 1 day old and another is 12...
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Have you ever hatched eggs?

Hens usually lay a clutch of eggs then start setting them. The embryo doesnt start to develop until it has the warmth of the hen. When you incubate you collect eggs for 7 to 10 days then set them in the incubator. Since nothing starts to develop until it has heat they all deveop about the same and hatch around the same time.

And yes if you want to see if a hen will go broody you can leave the eggs with her for 7 to 10 days and see if she will attempt to set them.
You'd have to separate her, though. Some hens will NEVER go broody, no matter how many eggs pile up. And when others sit on them, they start to incubate and you can have eggs in several stages of development that way.

The best thing to do is to never leave real eggs in the coop in hopes that some hen may go broody. If you think one may, you can leave fake eggs in there, collect the real ones, and if a hen happens to go broody, put the eggs you've held back underneath her. However, broodiness is hormonal and a hen who is ready will go broody sitting on nothing at all.
Ok and yes i have raised chicks its just she hid some eggs on us and 1 day BAM little chicks every where ok back on breeds:2 buffs,1barred rock,2RIR and2 ameracanas.......and 1 rhode island red rooster!
rooster brandon. :

Ok this site said if you want to you can let the eggs pile up and the hen might go broody and hatch them is this right?And if it is if you let the eggs pile like 1 egg a day how do they hatch at the same time?

I know your quite eager to get a broody chicken but just remember when they go broody they stop laying, instinct tells a bird to go broody, if its the wrong time of year they might not go broody, I put 5 golfballs in a nest, sure enough I got a broody but it wasn't on the nest with the 5 balls she sat 1 ball in a different nest,and she was already on her way to broody because she was set on laying a clutch of eggs, she wasn't the 1 I expected to go broody either, 1st of all you need a breed that is most likely to go broody, and the bird needs to be ready.​

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