Is this the beginning of an egg?


Mar 28, 2020
North Central Mississippi
I have had three red sex link hens for 12 weeks and not a single egg. Today I noticed this in one of the nesting boxes. It looks like the white part of an egg but I not sure. Can someone help me identify if maybe I’m getting close to having egg layers instead of pets?
Please forgive the straw and chicken poop in the photos
No problem. I would guess she is warming up her egg oven! Are they getting enough calcium? What is their diet? If they are on starter now would be a good time to start transitioning to either an egg laying ration or an all flock with oyster shell for calcium.
Sounds good. Maybe even a little overkill lol. Too much calcium can be a bad thing, especially before they are laying. Are they 12 weeks old or have you just had them for 12 weeks?
I have had them for 12 weeks. I’m not sure how old they are to be honest. My profile picture is the three I have. The calcium and oyster shell sits in a little bowl in the coop area if they want it, but I don’t fill the bowl every day Or even every other day
I asked the man I bought them from if they were a year and a half old and he said yes. I think I led him down that path. I had a friend yell me she thought they looked older. I just don’t know.

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