Is this the beginning of an egg?

Here are the photos of the girls - at least I hope they are girls.

Yeah, they're gals. They look a little older though. I would say maybe 3 or older.

Here's my gal that's a few years old. Compare their comb size to hers

20200531_091135.jpg as opposed to this gal who hatched in March this year
at least I hope they are girls
Yup, they are.
They look pretty good.
Legs look good and could indicate not more than 2 years.
They look 'reddy' to lay you free range?
Hopefully so and they are laying out in range area.
Here's some ways to tell....
Otherwise, you may have gotten some 'lemons'.
12 weeks is plenty to get over any moving stress.

Compare their comb size to hers
Different breeds than the OP's, so not comparable.
Combs don't get larger as they age.

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