Is this what "shrink wrapped" means?


10 Years
Jul 15, 2009
I have a duck egg hatching right now in my homemade incubator. Long story short I have silkie chicken eggs in the incubator and had to just add these duck eggs in at the last minute. Now I know the humidity isn't as high as it is supposed to be for duck eggs the last day of incubation. The incubator is set up for chicken eggs on day 7.

This duck made a tiny crack yesterday around 12:00pm. It went all day like that yesterday. Now today it pecked the shell just hard enough to make the cracked part a little larger. It broke threw the shell and the white membrane part next to the shell. I was able to take a flash light and look threw that tiny hole and see the bill of the duck and the next membrane (sorry don't know the right name) looks like it is shrinked wrapped around the duck. It is pulled off of the shell and looks just stuck to the ducks head.

Is this what it means when people say shrink wrapped?

I put a wet paper towel around the egg. I don't want to mess with the egg and hurt the duck but I don't want him to get stuck in the egg. Should I try to pull away the shell? I have read the sticky's and everything and they all suggest waiting until the movement and noise drops in the shell and you think the chick is in destress. I don't hear the duck anymore what I chirp at the egg and don't see the egg rocking anytime I look at it. I can see the bill opening and closing.
havent hatched any successfully yet but I think I'd have to intervene and help out. Others I'm sure would tell you different but then others would tell you the same so???..... Sounds like you want to help, so I dont think it could really help at this point??? but once again Im not one of the pros
It does appear that your ducky is in distress. Be Careful! Keep it moist and only pick away a LITTLE bit so it can breathe. I know this is hard. Wish you luck.
He is the same way. Just sitting there with his beak out. I have a wet paper towel over his shell. The membrane that is next to the shell is thick and white. The other membrane that is right around him is just right on top of him. He is so squished in that egg I don't think he can move.

He has been at this for 30 hours now and just his face is out and it seems like he is stuck.

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