Is this worth $150 dollars?...please respond..

Did you see all the other ones for sale on there . I never knew that they were even there .

ask him to go down a little its been posted for sale twice so maybe he will .

How many do you have ? were di you get them from . When i got mine i couldnt find any local i had to go to woodstock ct to get em
i had to get one from "the best little pot belly pig house in texas" was flown in..and the baby i got from PA....drove 4 hours to get him..
....yeah..i couldnt find any local either..woodstock CT would have nice i knew of the place before..
havi..thanks for the link..and advice...really..only 1 sheet?...*sigh*...i wanted it...dang!..what about the heater?
lol yea i got lucky and posted on craigslist "looking for pot belly pigs " and some lady emailed me saying her som works at a machine shop and the ownver has about 100 pot bellie pigs in the back

They were crammed in like sardines . The parents were huge but mine stayed small . My parents made me get rid of them before the town found out becasue we arent zoned for anything !

They were all black and cost $50 each i got a pair and when i sold them a week later the guy eamiled me and told me she gave birth to 3 piglets
i was so sad and mad i would of loved to see them

There names were porkie and patunia
On the second link it shows how to make it. Although the 'front porch' is kinda inclosed so that might make it more than one sheet. But you also have to think the hole they made for the heater and window. They might have used that. I was thinking you could always go to a salvage yard and pick up the window for next to nothing. Im not sure about the heater, but the plywood would cost $13 or so. But then again you have to think is it worth it to YOU. I personally wouldnt pay this much, but Im sure there are 30 people in line behide me that would. It just depends on how you ask.
yeah i hear you havi...i'm still undecided..i'm supposed to go at noon tomorrow..*sigh*..i'm confused as what to do.....
aww they are cute . When i get my own farm i will get some more

I go to an animal auction ever monday in Ct and i am just waiting for some of them to pop up . Maybe one will end up in my car lol

Yesterday they had alpacas sell for 180 dollars couldnt believe it and the thing was healthy and young around 8 months i belive

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