is wetting chickens an OK way of keeping them cool.

They dry quick enough in a dry heat. It's saved my girls more than once, but I only do it when they're in dire straits. But I agree - it's not necessary if you have other means.

My coop now has A/C.
I live in a humid climate, so wetting is a no, but i have no idea about dry climates.... i have sprayed those suckers with the hose before when i caught them over the garden fence though!
So I just wanted to speak on heat stroke in general. Its really a bad idea to use cold water and get them wet when they're at risk of a heat stroke. It can actually make matters worst. Now I'm not saying chickens can't get wet but if you're to the point of risk of heat stroke thats when its a bad idea.

The way a chicken regulates its temp is by using its feathers. They're designed to keep them warm in the winter and cool in the summer depending on how they fluff them up. When you get them fully wet (not just a mist) then you're stopping them from being able to do this process. So when the chicken is already struggling to regulate temp you're making it that much harder. Plus in some cases it can actually cause heat to be trapped in if you really soaked the bird which adding heat to a animal at risk of heat stroke isn't a good idea either.

I'd look into making sure the chickens have ample access to shade and I'd add lots of air flow to the coop to keep it from getting too hot inside. If it is really hot it may be a good idea (if its safe) to leave the coop door open so they aren't stuck in a hot box. The shade is the biggest thing, then encouraging lots of drinking and giving cold things will help. Something I like to do is put a little corn or berries in a dog water bowl with cool water. They'll peck at them thus getting cold food and getting some water in the process. You can also hose off logs and such they may stand on a lot that way it'll give them a place to cool their feets. Fans are a great idea if you can safely run them. Misting is another option if you have the capability but again you don't want to soak the birds.
I tried misters in the quail and chicken pens during the heat of summer (we max out about 35C here, with moderate humidity). The quail loved it and made little mud wallows. The chickens not so much — they preferred to stand in a very shallow tub of water in the shade. I did give a quick shallow bath to an overheated pullet with no ill effects.
You can. I've dunked them up to their neck when they are showing signs of heat stress. But there are easier ways.
  • Give wading ponds (shallow pans) with cold or ice water for them to walk in
  • Fans (like you mention)
  • Misters, if it's a dry heat
  • Cold treats, like watermelon frozen fruit
  • Lots of water containers to encourage drinking more
  • Electrolytes in their water
  • Deep shade they can relax in
My chickens LOVE a sprinkler head on very low. I mean LOVE it.

How hot? I'm curious, being in the US.
We live in a house bus that moves so a few of those things are not options, i do give him watermelon and cold food, (il try frozen fruit though thanks) Im not sure what exactly constitutes a wading pool. but thanks so much for your reply :D

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