ISA Brown with one blue leg

Good point
gynandromorph chicken(Actual name for Chimeras)


The right side of this bird is a ZW Female, it carries sex linked inhibitor in its hemizygous form(just one copy)

The left side of this bird is a ZZ Male, it carries sex linked inhibitor on its homozygous form(two identical copies)

If this bird's sire had slate shanks the right side shank should have been slate/willow because it would have inherited its sire id+ wild type mutation and yellow shank on the left because its dame would have carry Id sex linked dermal inhibitor and the left side would have been Id/id+, but.. neither parents of ISA Brown or Hybrid Red Sex links lack wildtype recessive sex linked id+
I'm pretty interested in diversity in dog genetics, my best guess this hen has some pretty diverse ancestors and has developed two different colored legs due to that.
Not if the hen/pullet is a true ISA Brown.. It's ancestors(RIR and WPR) got rid of sex linked recessive dermal enhancer(id+) long long ago
so in natural light it looks like the bluish color but with a light shining on it, it appears green. So yes in real life it looks like this lol just varying shades In whatever light.

Her blue leg is the same color as my seabrights legs. Makes me wonder if somewhere in her genealogy, she had some mixing somewhere that ended up as a genetic defect in her?

Its kind of like those stories you hear of the two white parents having a black baby.
That actually happened in a town near my home and after DNA testing showed that the parents were indeed his actual biological parents, they started with genealogy. Turns out, on moms side, there was some hanky panky, decades before, with a plantation owner and his "help" and a baby was born. After years and years, the mom still had black genes in her and produced a baby of a different shade than expected.

Maybe something similar happened here?
The toes aren't all blue, so it looks like circulation might be OK. Maybe she caught it or twisted it and it caused a bruise? Not cold or tender? Lots of us are stumped.

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