Isbar thread

Thank you. I'm going to remove the never starters. I was crossing my fingers that this hands off closed method would up my hatch chances. I already got nothing on my last shipment of 8, so went back to that breeder and at least have a couple. I love his birds, they're robust looking and gorgeous. Breaks my heart on my other breeder. I just wanted the genetic diversity. Hatching eggs is almost like gambling. If you have money to likely throw away... Which I don't, but ugh. I'm just going to continue the hands off method and pray. I'd love to have a few nice Isbars to start from. On another note my Andalusian hatching is just about at 70%. With winter here regardless of lack of snow, it seems he's not covering all my hens. Maybe that's what is happening. I may just be more selective and try from breeders as close to Michigan as I can get in the spring.
As I say in the horse world, if I didn't have bad luck then I'd have no luck at all.

Sadly thinking that getting into Isbars isn't in the cards for me. Ordered hatching eggs. Let them set for 48 hours because I knew they'd be rough. Incubating with no turning. Checked them for the first time today at day seven. Mind you I'm doing antibacterial cleaning before touching anything and the incubator is new and disinfected too. Runs better than my other one. Out of 19 eggs from one, every single one has a wiggly aircell. Only 1 egg is growing, by a miracle if it makes it to hatch. The majority are clear or red ring of death. From my other source, 13 eggs in the bator, a few with wiggly aircells, but at least 6 are trying to live. Cross everything you got. Think I should cull everything with no life signs at this stage? Really don't want to risk the final 7.

Remember blue eggs do not candle quite as well so be really sure before you throw. I have had eggs that look like a blood ring in the early stages especially in colored eggs.
Cracked every single one open. Pale yellow yolks. Nothing growing. A few had the red rings.
We are getting 8 total, 4 blacks and 4 blues. Fingers cross well at LEAST get a mix trio of them!! I am hoping to have a decent pair to show up at our county and hopefully state show to start getting this breed out there plus my other project babies :3
We are getting 8 total, 4 blacks and 4 blues. Fingers cross well at LEAST get a mix trio of them!! I am hoping to have a decent pair to show up at our county and hopefully state show to start getting this breed out there plus my other project babies :3

Nice! Show us some pics when you can

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