Isbar thread

My focus, right now,  is hatching Isbars.  Was the reduction in the number due to predators?  

How many people are putting effort into increasing the number of Isbars in the world?  The answer to your question would be really interesting IMO.

BTW, I have only 1 Isbar hen laying at the moment.  Add to that, lately her eggshells seem a bit rough and porous.   Have read here on BYC that porous eggs can successfully hatch, but my expectations are pretty low. 

I just hatched some 1st imports from @cree57i.

There was a big announcement on the Isbars USA thread on facebook today. Check it out
I just hatched some 1st imports from @cree57i .

There was a big announcement on the Isbars USA thread on facebook today. Check it out

Don't do - facebook, and really don't want to. For some reason the response time on my satellite is too uselessly frustrating among other things.

Could you pass along the news of the big announcement?
Congrats on the hatches - to both you and cre57i !!
No -.- it's call idiot father and unplugging heat lamp instead of just taking the lil kids out of the area, plus either big chickens or the dog entering the feed room.

X2 some of us don't even have FB >_>

And ATM I would like chicks due to not having a bator... Yet
Don't do - facebook, and really don't want to.  For some reason the response time on my satellite is too uselessly frustrating among other things.  

Could you pass along the news of the big announcement? 
Congrats on the hatches - to both you and cre57i  !!

There has been a crowd funding page set up with the purpose of importing new isbars from
Sweeden. Looks like almost half of the funds needed has been donated

Don't do - facebook, and really don't want to. For some reason the response time on my satellite is too uselessly frustrating among other things.

Could you pass along the news of the big announcement?
Congrats on the hatches - to both you and cre57i !!

Thanks ChicKat!

Still working on the isabelles. Infuriating! They need to take lessons from the Isbar on how to lay eggs

it's meant to be--maybe. Looking into the crystal ball, I see you as a future pillar of the Isbar community.

The latest eggs I set had very fragile shells, but I set anyway....candled yesterday -- and I really don't know. Thinking I won't get a hatch. Didn't help that the rainstorms caused a power failure for 1 1/2 hours. Will know in a few days now.... and I'm just going to set every Isbar egg that comes along. Even hatching out onsie-twosies.... I'm concerned about the originals...hope that the population can be increased.

Mine are 1/2 original...and have (as chicks anyway) the characteristics I like about Isbars...but only have 3 babies -- and thinking they are all males.

Since I have a great male out there already, I'm hoping for females. Since my other breed is cream legbar -- I'm so so so spoiled by knowing gender at hatch.... but in the Isbar chicks I have I see little tiny wattles at 1 week old....and in the one hatched a month ago -- I see big feet and chest bumping with his room-mates. (and I thought sure it was a girl)

My Isbar chicks are smaller than my Legbar chicks (as in growing slower or increasing in size more slowly) -- and in the pens my Isbar hens are smaller than my Legbars out there. All this I kind of contribute to the inbreeding of Isbars. Anyone else with chicks mixed in the brooder see smaller Isbar chicks of equivalent breeds?

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