Isbar thread

Just distraught this morning- had family over last night and the kids wanted to show them how we candle the eggs.  Got up this morning and did my rounds checking on everyone, and apparently SOMEONE decided to be helpful and unplug everything on one of the outlets.  THEY UNPLUGGED MY INCUBATOR with my Isbar eggs!  :mad: :barnie :eek: :mad:

I know it was accidental but I am SO upset.  I'll leave them in, how much of a chance do you think they have?  They were unplugged for about 8 hours, they were at 80 degrees this morning, and have only been incubated for about 6 days.  I know my chances are slim but I have to try.....


Yes leave them in. I think you will be surprised. I had the same thing happen to me and I still had a 75% hatch rate.
Yes leave them in. I think you will be surprised. I had the same thing happen to me and I still had a 75% hatch rate.
THANK YOU I am so glad to hear they still have a chance. Will keep everyone posted- having a little party by myself tonight as I watch our Cream Legbars and Ameraucanas hatch- it's like Christmas morning! Looks like 100% hatch on the CLs, and probably 80% on the Ameraucanas, still waiting on a few to pip.
OH my word, lonny...

Okay, I took some pics of my Isbar trio. Here they are!

Group shot - I love love the coloring of the cockerel. He almost looks silver through the hackles, and has a lovely blue tail with dark blue splashes through it. His comb is erect and he has the huge eyes that I love in this breed, which (IMO) make them look so intelligent. One pullet is black with a bit of gold in her hackles - looks almost like a gold birchen color. The other is a blue/splash, and she is just lovely:

The blue/splash female is much friendlier than the black pullet:

Here's the black - you can barely see the color in her hackles:

The black got upset with my picture taking, so the blue hoped up to "protect" her - ha!

Closer shot of the blue pullet's head (nothing wrong w/her eye, she was blinking):

In this pic, I was trying to get the beautiful coloring in the cockerel's tail:

They are in a breeder cage right now until their permanent pen is done, but they actually seem to like the smaller space. It is 4' x 6' and has a roost and a nest box (of course). The pullets are laying well!
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OMG, they are so Beautiful!! I wish I had the time and resources to finish the new pens, and coops Now! I Really want some of these beauty's.... Please keep sharing pics Isbar people, I think it might be the only thing that gets me through! Lol
Well candled tonight, looks like 2/24 will make it,
Half my Ameraucanas made it though- go figure I think it's because I put them on the edge next to the other incubator. The 2 Isbars that made it were on that side, too. Gonna order more and watch those kids like a hawk... hatch date is Friday Aug 17!
Well candled tonight, looks like 2/24 will make it,
Half my Ameraucanas made it though- go figure I think it's because I put them on the edge next to the other incubator. The 2 Isbars that made it were on that side, too. Gonna order more and watch those kids like a hawk... hatch date is Friday Aug 17!

So sorry, I hope the two make it to hatch. Better luck with your next batch, they are such beautiful birds, truly stunning.

Keep at it - they are most definitely worth it! I think these are the most beautiful chickens I've ever had.

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