Isthere any way to tell who is a cockeral and who is a pullet? They are 10 weeks old .I heard there

I agree, post pics. 10 weeks is too old to vent sex. That has to be done around 2-3 days. You can cause damage to their sex organs trying to do it when they are older. Some breeds can be sex by feathering, others have to wait to see if they develop hackle and the saddle feathers of a roo. :thumbsup
^ What they said. 10 weeks is way too old to do vent sexing and the perfect age to tell by comb/wattle development. For those who go by hackle/saddle feathers, older than 10 weeks is better.
Thanks for all your help I figured out the other day they all tryed to crow except a few and I know can tell by looking at their combs and wattles DOES ANY ONE WANT SOME ROOS

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