It broke a brick...whatever it is, its big and its back. UPDATE!!!

Find out what it is before you set traps. Somethings you don't want to have trapped while you try to put it down with a hammer.

I was thinking of a badger.

Sounds like it could be a small bear or possibly a bobcat. Believe it or not there is a whole family of bears living in windsor locks by the airport - they love the bird feeders in the condo complex down the street from Bradley International Airport!
Yeah we've seen the bears, we've had a bobcat run through our front yard, the bears used to eat our trash so we lock it in the garage at night, and we used to have coyotes running through the woods by our house, you could hear them howling and i've seen a few. gross looking things. we've got everything here, its what you get for living in a small town, but i would rather have bears then gangsters with guns!
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Please be safe what ever you do
I would get an electric fence. One that is strong enough for bull/bison. It may be $150 plus but it would seem worth it. I have had no more problems with fox since I got mine.

sorry to hear about the eggs
i'll be safe. the only thing with an electric fence, is i wouldn't know where to put it. i might talk my dad into buying a shotgun and i've got friends who are really good shots, so maybe we will catch the killer this time.
They are really easy to put up. You can but posts that just stick in the ground and have little notches where the wire goes. I have mine about a foot away from the chicken wire and spaced about six inches apart on the post. The good thing about an ele fence is that it is always there. You and a gun have to sleep sometime;)
One thing about an ele fence, make sure it is grounded good. Let us know how it goes!!!!
I wouldn't even want to sit outside, in the dark, with a gun, knowing that it's a bear thats been getting in the coop.

Did you know that if a black bear comes at you, that means he's hungry, and it means you gotta run... you can't lay down and play dead like you would with a grizzly. Black bears only attack, when they mean business, and if it's a bear thats after your ducks, he means business.

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