It happened. I knew it would. The neighbours complained.

I would personally take a 4 boom boxes and plug them in front of this neighbors house... in one play traffic, 1- loud obnoxious music, 1- emergency vehicles and the last I would play people screaming back and forth... play all of them at the same time.. when your neighbor comes out annoyed ask which he would prefer over the rooster and you can accommodate any of them with your boom box.. lol.. but I am a stubborn brat and have been told so.. I love being Irish Italian

check your local laws as others have suggested.. living in a rural area you should be allowed a certain number..
I am a courteous neighbor. That is why I have only a few roosters, not 20, but the few I do have crow. Can't stop them from crowing. Even one crows. Courtesy doesn't stop that from happening. I don't complain about noise from the neighbors and I expect them to be the same with me. This is a two way street, IMO. Will I get rid of all my roosters if some city person moves in, as is quite common in mountain communities like ours, and doesn't like to hear them? No. 100% no way. There comes a point where I will draw a line in the sand in order to have the enjoyment of my private property-after all, I live here in an unrestricted area just so I can have chickens. If someone moves into an unrestricted area and doesn't like all that goes with that, perhaps they have made a mistake and would be better suited to a strictly convenanted neighborhood.

My neighbor isn't home much at all anymore. He is a truck driver so most of the week isn't even here. And his 93 yr old mother has moved in with family in NC so she isn't here, either, though she liked my chickens. He comes home and cuts his acreage on Fridays (tractor noise). Some Saturdays, he has friends over and they play music and laugh and party and sometimes, will shoot at something after dark (not generally too much noise). Holidays bring the ATVs on occasion, less now since his son is grown and has moved out of the house. Generally, my neighborhood is composed of elderly/retired folks, some of whom had chickens in their younger days and like the sound of my roosters, they tell me, but, the day will come when they will pass on and if we're still here, may find ourselves dealing with people who are not as in tune with country life as our current neighbors are. I can see having to deal with some issues that many of our members do with their neighbors.
Tell your neighbor if he doesn't like the crowing then you'll oblige him & get rid of the Roo but will replace the roo with a cannon. That will shut him up. People just want to find something to gripe about. Heck ,the only reason I got chickens was because I live on a farm. I thought if you lived on a farm you had to have chickens.
--I started my chickens with about 15 roosters and 9 hens.They came from TSC.I have great neighbors and they don't mind my rooster.I have came down to 1 and 7.My next door neighbor has said something to my wife about starting some of his own.I asked them if my roosters were bothering them and they said no.I do agree that you need to work with your neighbors.That don't mean you have to agree,but be considerate.You would want that from your neighbor.If the problem can't be worked out then handle it according.Sometimes just talking to your neighbor is all it takes.If it can be worked out thats may need your neighbor and visa versa.Keep the doors open.Be considerate of them as you would want them to be.At least they came to you to try to work it out.They could have gone to the Law and even though not done good,That would have caused a bigger dislike.
We solved this pretty easily. All our chickens are locked in at night. Most of our roosters are kept inside in the dark until after 8 AM. They still crow in the dark, just not as much and it is muffled.

Folks, try to get along with the neighbors and help your chickens to fit in. The end result of not doing so will be more laws against them.
I might get more roosters ,but that's just me , my closest neighbors all have chickens too so am lucky that way.
But with some neighbors, it's impossible to get along. I have city people next door who tore down the farmhouse that's been there for nearly a century, to build a micromansion, complete with in ground pool, and sport courts (basketball court right outside my bedroom window which I never complain about their bazillion kids playing basketball at 8 am or earlier, on Saturday mornings). Or their constant leaf blowing, dogs barking, lawn mowing every time their grass grows 1/2" (literally, the guy mows at LEAST once a week, rain or shine). And their goody-2-shoes brats tease my son about how small our house is, or how he doesn't have a $3,000 play structure, etc - I used to let him go play with them when they first moved in, but after the second time he came home crying (I talked to the mom about it the first time) I can't let him go over there any more.

These people are NOT worth my time or efforts to have "nice" neighborly relations with, they are uptight snooty people, and I don't give a
what they think, or how irritating they think my roosters are.

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