It happened to me, too many chickens


cottontail farm

9 Years
Dec 26, 2014
Rural NW Pa
Over the years I've been very good at culling old layers every fall and keeping a small productive flock. But now it's finally happened. This fall I have a beautiful mixed flock of 18 birds and am having a hard time getting my numbers down because of all sorts of reasons.. this chicken is friendly... that one is pretty.. this one is the daughter of a favorite rooster that died. Blah, blah, blah...
I've gone soft. :rolleyes:
We can house them all but I panick when I think of all the eggs come spring. Realistically we need, oh, 8 hens or so.
I've become that crazy chicken lady. :he
Over the years I've been very good at culling old layers every fall and keeping a small productive flock. But now it's finally happened. This fall I have a beautiful mixed flock of 18 birds and am having a hard time getting my numbers down because of all sorts of reasons.. this chicken is friendly... that one is pretty.. this one is the daughter of a favorite rooster that died. Blah, blah, blah...
I've gone soft. :rolleyes:
We can house them all but I panick when I think of all the eggs come spring. Realistically we need, oh, 8 hens or so.
I've become that crazy chicken lady. :he

It's ok. ;)
If it makes you feel better... I acquired 5 chickens (2 roos and 3 hens) a month back and they are old, ugly and don't lay eggs lol. I feel bad for them cause they lived in a tiny cement coop w/o outside access. I figure they can live out their lives in the grass and sun. I'm a sucker too, at least the birds you cant cull are pretty to look at :lau
There's Chicken Math and then there's the Chicken Effect. You HAVE as many chickens as you do because of Chicken Math.

You KEEP the amount of chickens that you have AND contemplate things like building a 2nd coop, adding additional chickens, getting so & so a breed companion so they won't be the odd one out...and any number of other things because of the Chicken Effect.

It's why 1+1 always equals more than 2 and everyone knows you can't just have 2. Why? Because what if something happens to 1 or to the +1? See? THE CHICKEN EFFECT!!

Like Newton's Laws of Physics, The Chicken Effect is real. And it's why I personally run an old age home for chickens. They are making me. They hypnotize and trick me with their fluffy, chirping chicken ways. They are the real bosses of our house and they just allow us to live here. And I am wondering what treat to serve them tomorrow....gaaah!!

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