It!!! (I mean he) Crowed!!!!

If it's as huge as you're describing it then it must be a rooster. Maybe he hasn't had the urge or need to crow yet. When mine crowed, I was putting them back in the run by hand. I put him and another silkie in the run while the others were out. Once the others started to run back to the run, that's when I heard him make his "attempted" crow. Maybe if you put him in a situation where he feels that he may need to crow, he will? Does that make sense?
Oh, I tried to seperate him in the run from the others hoping maybe once here or there he would crow as if to gather the ladies... but no. He's a bit behind in development maybe?!

I just wanna hear him try so bad! LOL
Maybe he's doing it behind your back like the evil little silkie he is

I'll see what I can do about the pics. If I can't, would you try to post pics of yours so I could compare? I'd be happy to let you know.
That could be it! He could be getting back at me for naming him Pinky, and deciding when he was a he and not a her, I wouldn't change the name! LOL


I need to get a newer pick, he was about 9 weeks here.
I am guessing he's the one on the right? That's just about what mine looks like now, as far as the wattles. I can't see the comb enough. I talked to my dad about the pics and we'll have to do it sometime this weekend because we might have to download the software for it and yada yada
I'll let you know.
Its no big deal, I know he's a roo... he's 6 weeks old now then in the photo (the one on the right) and he's very happy, and very aggressive to my girls, so I know he's a he. HE just won't crow like a man!

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