It may be time for me to face up * UPDATE page 3 *

My father in law's cat was gone for 6 months, then just showed up and walked in the house like he just left an hour ago. Came back full of fleas, tapeworms, ear mites and a respiratory infection. God only knows what went on for that 6 months, but after a bit of doctoring he went on to live to the ripe old age of 18.

Cats are weird, they do hide, they get into an entirely different frame of mind when they sneak outside. Especially if they aren't used to it. It may take some time for him to get his bearings and find home.

I'd let the neighbors know though, a friendly cat by the back door can easily be mistaken as a stray and brought in the house. You'd never know it was living two doors down if you don't let people know he's lost.

That happened to a friend I know's dog. Someone found the golden wandering and thought it was one from down the block and caught the dog and put it into the yard where he thought it lived. So the dog couldn't get home if he tried.

But I wouldn't give up hope, I'd worry more about a small dog than an adult cat. At least for a while.

We canvassed the area and found him next to the road, sadly already dead. He had been hit by a car yesterday or the day before. What a waste.

What a waste. I'm heartbroken that he's gone, but I was going nuts not knowing. I feel so fortunate to have had him for 6 years, he was very loved. He will be terribly missed.
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I am so sorry
Oh no! I am so sorry. I feel as if our cats are our children as the two of them follow me around and sleep around my head purring every night. Its OK to grieve and do not feel bad about doing so. One of the hardest thing to do is having to deal with the loss of a beloved pet. My sympathies.

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