It VIOLATED my space...Now it must go!!!!UPDATE!!HELP!!OMG????

Fishers have been reintroduced in PA by our wonderful game commission for some unknown reason the released them in areas where people live with their domestic animals. Our area was one of the first release zones (without our knowledge). Imagine sitting outside on a warm summer night with a fire and some good friends and have this horrible screaming thing circling you in the dark. I have heard bobcats crying, baby bears yelling for mom, foxes and coyotes, owls of every kind nothing compares to a Fisher. Fishers are bold and nasty and should be eliminated again. They eat more than porcupines.
Needless to say the radioed collared one was removed after threats from the locals to blow its head off if seen. There are no cougars,Mt lions in PA ask the game commission;)
I listened to this and my old lady cat freaked out

My young man cat freaked a little too LOL.
we had 2 racoons mating by our bedroom window a couple years ago-I REALLY thought a woman was being killed...of course, I had to 'force' my hubbie out the door to investigate-with a bat and Iphone...the next day the neighbors laughed and laughed and me-being we just moved from the city out into the rural area a couple months earlier.
it was terrifying! By the way, definetlydeb, great story and descriptions! Even after knowing what it was, I would still be shakin' in my boots if it happened again!
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HI Everybody....been a few days, just been really busy 'round here!!! Well, thank goodness, there have been no more shrilling screams in the past few nights!! I hope, I never, ever...ever have to hear it again!!! UGH...however...there is something still lurking in the night...night before last...I get up for my nightly rabid cookie raid...sitting in living room, 3/4 still asleep....munching away on my homemade peanut butter cookie....when...I hear chattering...OMG...I almost dropped my cookie, not to mention...about half choking on it...all I could think...OH we go again....well...I sit in total darkness...keep in are open, but because I am a scaredy pants....all the mini blinds are closed...whatever it is, is soooo not gonna see me!!! Anyhoo, the chattering continues...yep, I am shaking, what to do, what to do....I crammed the cookie in my mouth and decided...I had to peek....I had to see if I could get a glimpse of what was going on out there.....shakin'...more like trembling...I make my way to the kitchen to get the mag light....ok, got it....walk back to living room....stand in front of the window, trying to get the nerve to look out....(I just knew that whatever was out there..was going to see me...and jump up on the screen and cling there, yeah...something out of a freak horror movie, I think I watch to many of them) the big girl pants on....I can do this....I step closer.....and very slowly pry the mini blind apart so I can squeeze the flash light between and catch this lurking creature.....I am shaking so bad...the flashlight is tapping the window, slowly move it side to side....and see nothing.....I heard it...chattering...chattering....but couldn't see a thing. So, scaredy pants up, couldn't stay that close to the window...I just know it is coming for me!!! But, off to bed I go....chattering... is still going on, I need to sleep.....go to bed...skootch way down, just my eyes peeking out of hand on one ear trying to muffle the sound...finally I must have drifted off......Wake up...daylight had returned...YEAY. Go out...check my the walk around...trap is moved, but not a track, nothing in it....UGHHH!!! So, today I am getting a game cam, DF has 5 of them, gonna let me borrow one, will once again reset DF also has an electric fence thingie, so installation is in the very near future. My DF swears it is a porcupine that I heard screaming, local old timers say panther, cougar...and yep even a Fisher cat was recommended...I don't have a clue...don't want to hear it again...but my curiosity has me wondering...I am pretty sure what I heard nite before last was a coon....but....I will place the camera and see if I can figure out...just what all is lurking around...and will let you all know...actually I have a fear of what I will see, not really sure I wanna see....mite not like what I see....and I really have a fear of actually catching something in the trap...oh my then what...and what if it is a skunk or what if it is alive?? ( I know it will be but...for real there is alot to this whole thing that comes into play when it is real and I am the one in charge) have found myself not wanting to resetting trap for fear of what is gonna be in there, I have moved the trap, so that I don't have to get to close to shoot, should the need arise, got it placed for a nice clean straight shot...hahhaha (wishing for this)....but....I know i have to be the strong one and protect my peeps!! I can and will do this....scaredy pants, muck boots and all!!!!! Last eve, got home kinda late...well 9pm...had to go lock down the coop, I found myself...STOMPING...STOMPING.. on my way to the coop....muck boots slapping my calves and sloshing on my feet....(just trying to scare anything away I guess) thinkin, i just mite fasten some jingle bells to them, get me a stick, learn to in the future, I will be seen going to my coop, stomping my jingle belled boots as they slap my calves and slosh on my feet, tapping the stick as I whistle my way to the coop....I am sure that should scare all daytime predators away, prolly scare myself and the neighbors!!! Will let you all know what I see, if anything on the cam.....have a great day all!!!!

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