It VIOLATED my space...Now it must go!!!!UPDATE!!HELP!!OMG????

Oh my...I love so crack me up!!! I have to say...I had this huge long post all typed up...just for I was so laughin' my butt off, however....for some reason it wouldn't load...and I lost it all...anyhoo.....not retyping.....sorry....but I so can enjoy and relate to your post!!! Ps...maybe we should write a novel are good!!! get me a ball bat !!!! Have a wonderful day!!!!

I hoped you would enjoy it, I realize your sanity is in the balence but good belly laughter is better than Valium any day Bryan
Just thought of something...maybe it was the Cookie Monster! I do really love that you made sure to finish the cookies-SAVE THE COOKIES! Actually, I was so intrigued by the...'what is that sound' thing, I started looking up animal sounds on, the vixen is truely frightening! Is that the sound they used in the Blair Witch movie?...creepie!
We use live traps, then relocate them somewhere far off, just not close to anyone with livestock. Sorry, but that is cruel. Can't believe anybody would do that to an animal.

What are you talking about??I said it looks like opossum tracks not coon.So what is cruel??
Will have to tell you a terrible thing that just happened about four days ago in Floyd Virginia very close to where I live. Two couples were having a little dinner party and all of a sudden one of their dogs came running in the house. Seconed dog right on its heals with a bobcat on its back. The owner grabbed the cat by the neck and flung it forward. Cat came back and bit him. Seconed man beat the animal to death with a rock. Turns out the cat was rabid. The rabies post exposure vaccine cost thousands of dollars. What ever it is need to be proactive. You will sleep better at night. I work at a veterinary clinic that has a contract with surrounding counties to take heads for animal control and the health department. You would be amazed at how many positives we get with coons, skunk, foxes and cats.
Up here we have Bobcats and red fox screaming like that during mating season, but it's too late for that now. Occasionally, young coyote pups learning to howl will sound like a woman being tortured.

Screech owls are what I immediately thought of. Those things will make your toenails curl and the hair stand at attention on the back of your neck, and everywhere else!
So, maybe it was a woman screaming like she was being murdered. Do you have any friends or neighbors into practical jokes?
Scared the bejeebers out of me! My heart is pounding like crazy and I'm sitting in my house listening to it on my PC!! I can't imagine hearing that outside at night!!

*edited for language. Please do not bypass the censor*
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