It's a's a wait, it's just bird.


9 Years
Apr 27, 2010
Vernon County, MO

It's a WREN!

This lil' guys nest was completely destroyed. Momma Wren built it in a scooter, which my boss hauled off a couple days ago. There where three chicks, one dead, one that passed yesterday, and the one currently attached to my shoulder, chirping for food occasionally.

I'd estimate he's around two weeks. He can fly short distances but is mostly nest and hopping bound. He's getting his very own tank with perches set up tomorrow

His diet currently consists of cat food and some boiled egg yolk, vet recommended, he's certainly doing well on it and just about leaps at you when his half-hour feeding rolls around. In the morning he stretches as TALLASPOSSIBLE (not that tall) with his mouth hanging open going "FEED ME NOW! YOU SLEPT LONG ENOUGH! I'M STARVING TO DEATH! AUGH!"

I want to get some better pictures of him soon. Just snapped one today with my webcam.

---Silly browser apparently sent this before I was even done typing. Pft!
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He's doing extremely well
He has his own 'cage' now and peeps when he wants his food. When he gets tired he tries to do a tumbling little flight into my lap when I open the cage door-why my lap is better to sleep in then his nest the world will never know. He really loves riding around on my shoulder when I'm going about doing the sweeping, or am just sitting around on the computer. It always has to be the left shoulder, he won't settle for the right one

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