Its a chicken miracle!!*UPDATE W/PICS*


12 Years
Sep 20, 2007
Ok so I have one rooster and four hens that I let free range all day. Well, not too long ago one of my hens went missing, so I assumed a hawk had gotten her. Today my nephew and I were feeding chickens when my uncle, who lives directly beside us called us over. Sure enough there was the missing hen, not only alive but with 8 little chickies trailing behind her. I still don't know where her nest was. I am so excited!!!

They are all doing great. I caught three to give to my nephew but my sis wouldn't let him have them:(. So I returned them to their mom who kindly welcomed them back


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I will post pics as soon as I can... I want to bring them in, but I also want to leave them with mom, we'll see:)
It is always so interesting to me that a mama hen can look after her chicks much better than we humans can. I mean how does she know that she has to take them to a water source or even feed them. I would let her raise them, you will enjoy watching them! Instinct is an amazing thing!

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