Its A Heat Wave!

You can always send some of that warmth this way.....our high was 59 today!
Our turkeys outside are panting hard, they loved it when sprayed with the hose. The chickens outside dont seem to fond of it. Its about 100 right now...
I was so worried about my girls all day today(9 wk olds and 6 wk olds). At 11am it was 83 degrees outside, and 92 in the coop, and I found them in their coop panting. They just aren't used to being warm. So I let them free range all day, figuring they'd be safest choosing where to be. I got home and the temp was 97, and they were happy as can be in the garden. I set up waterers in 4 spots in the yard, and put their food out, so they wouldn't go sit and bake in the coop.
I know it was deadly hot today...but ain't we Oregonians funny..we love our rain!!! (most of the time) I never mind a day in the low 80's though. Yes, the pullets were panting, I tried to set up a sprinkler but that freaked them out and made them go in the coop. I just ended up shutting it off.

hot, hot hot!!!
Yep-hot here too. I say if your garage is at the temp that your brooder should be under the light, that it's safe to turn it off! I have a big brooder and it's inside my ac'd house, so my light stayed on all day. I hope today is cooler!
I have a friend with 45 meat birds even with their best attempt lost 2 of them friday late afernoon/early evening, it just didn't cool off well.
the chicks were 4 weeks old.
ready for this heat wave to be over!

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