It's Egg Laying Time!!!!

Lucky Ducky

11 Years
May 28, 2008
Truth or Consequences,NM
My new chickens are starting to lay!!!
I don't know who did it but today I got 2 eggs. The pen has cuckoo marans, red crested red polish, white crested blue polish, a couple rhode island reds and a couple langshans. Both eggs were small but that's just because they're pullet eggs. One was off white and the other was brown ( I'm thinking that this one was from one of the RIRs). I'm soo excited. Hopefully everyone else will follow and I can sell some to help with feed.
How exciting for you!!!! I'm envious. I am down to 3 chickens now (had to get rid of 3 roos) and they are about 10 weeks old. I still have quite some time to go, but that's the day I'm waiting for. I think one of the hens will be a blue egg layer. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Congrats again.
Lucky Ducky---How old are your pullets? I have 15 pullets that are 16 weeks old and I am anxious for eggs.
Mine are various ages. My Cuckoo Marans and both colors of Polish are 19 weeks. My RIR pullets are 17 weeks. My 2 Langshans are 18 weeks old today. I'm not sure who is laying but I don't think the Cuckoo Marans are because the eggs weren't dark. What kind are yours?

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