It's Friday, the 13th... and setting eggs

If its only 30 min they should be alright. Your hatch may be a little late but they won't die. They can cool down for up to 6 hours before they start dying. Remember, eggs are denser than air, so the thermometer might say it's 70*, but it's only measuring the air temp, not the internal egg temp. Good luck!:thumbsup

It takes nearly that long to candle as many eggs as I have, so I'm sure they will be fine.

If I set mine Friday the 13th at 8pm, what day is lockdown, and what time?
I have my first quail chick

I'll join! Wish I'd found the thread sooner. I set my first incubator eggs (chicken) on the 14th at 10 am - so I'm technically only 10 hours behind.
I've got 25 left after the first two candlings - 13 weren't fertile and 4 stopped developing. Barnyard mixes - can't wait to see how the mixing went! My kids sure have enjoyed the candling.
Welcome mama13,
I set mine the 12 about 7pm so together we are right on time lol. Mine just went into lockdown and the rest of this week is going to be awful slow moving for me. Good Luck
well as of this morning i have 8 chicks hatched but i think one of those wont make it, it doesnt seem able to get onto its legs move much and he hatched over night and the 2 chicks that hatched over night too where attacking him, ive popped him on peice of fleese and under a heat lamp to see if he will perk up but my hopes arnt high tbh. yet the other 7 are going strong racing around the brooder like little jet planes with there tiny wings ouch cheaping away there so fun to watch ^_^ i could sit there and watch them all day will try and get some pictures today and will keep an eye on the last 3 eggs in the bator ive misted them well so i hope for at least 1 more as the other 2 i was iffy about to begin with
Just saw this hatch a long for Friday the 13th. Can I still join in? I set about 24 silver laced and buff Brahmas on the 13th at about 9:00 PM. So tonight at about 8:00 I will be candling and removing my turner, setting up for lockdown. I had good development on day 14 candling so hoping I still have babies on the way this Friday.
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well my hatch is over from the 11 eggs that went into lockdown i have 9 healthy chicks :D sadly the one that i said wasnt well died not long after suppose its survival of the fittest at work the last egg was one i had marked not knowing if it had quit on me at day 12 so i nicked a bit off the large end was sadly a quiter but 9 healthy chicks from a batch of 24 when they hadnt been handled well during postage i think thats a good outcome :D

and i will say that 4 of the eggs that hatched where eggs that had small hairline fractures :D so now just waiting for the very last 2 who hatched only 10 mins ago to dry off and find there feet then will pop them in the brooder with there brothers and sisters :)
so as promised pictures :)

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