It's here....


9 Years
Nov 1, 2010
Wanna know how I know spring is here?

It's not the 60 degree, sun shining, window down, week we're having.

Or that I see robins everywhere I look.

Or that the feed store has chicks.

Nope, it's because I almost stepped on a snake for the first time this year **shudder**

At least it was just a little garder snake, breaking me in slightly easier than last year.
I know!!! Snakes give me the heebie jeebies, and since I work outside, often in wooded areas, this is only the first of MANY!
I'd be willing to put up with harmless little snakes if I could have what you're having.

It's not the 60 degree, sun shining, window down, week we're having. Or that I see robins everywhere I look. Or that the feed store has chicks.

As a kid, I loved to catch the garder snakes and take them in the house around my neck to scare my mom half to death!! he he

She once slammed the kitchen door so hard, it broke the window. Got in big trouble for that one. Tom girl - YES.
"As a kid, I loved to catch the garder snakes and take them in the house around my neck to scare my mom half to death!! he he

She once slammed the kitchen door so hard, it broke the window. Got in big trouble for that one. Tom girl - YES"

Lol, perhaps I wouldnt hate snakes so much if they weren't constantly puttng me in awful situations.

When I was younger my brother used to watch Indiana Jones all the time. The scene where they were in the pit with all the snakes gave me the willies for a week, and still does. Then one night my brother and I were eating spaghetti, he started pretending all the spaghetti was snakes. Hmmm, there goes eating that meal! Then in college I had a friend with a snake. I tried to hold her one night and the stinking thing pooped on me! My roommate then decided to buy her bf a snake, which was going to live at our house. On moving day, that snake got out of his cage and decided to come visit me in the bathroom. It's a good thing I was already sitting all the toilet is all I can say about that!!

And now I seem to step on a snake at least once a month in this job. There's nothing like taking a step and having some whip up and hit you in the leg and then you realize its a snake, not a twig!

Snakes and I seem to have a hate-hate relationship

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