It's me! ThangBom the new guy!


In the Brooder
May 17, 2017
Hello everyone. I have registered to this site a few days ago. Unfortunately, it was under conversion to the new site so I was not able to do anything but read old post. My registration I made a few days ago did not work so I just made a new one.

So anyhow, HI EVERYONE! It's kinda exciting to be part of the family. A little about myself. I'm mid 30's and back in college. My parents' live out in the country (ok not that far out but far enough). They are the real homesteaders. They have all sorts of animals from ducks, dogs, had chickens till we butchered them all, turtles, pheasants and quails. It's really nice being out there just enjoying the land and watching the crops and animals grow.

I personally have not incubated any birds or own any birds but like I said, my parents do.

Anyhow, I will be posting in the incubator/diy forum once I find it. I'm building my parents a new cabinet incubator to play with.

Thanks for looking
Hi and welcome to BYC - you have some great links from my fellow continent-mate, so I'll just say a big hello :frow
Thanks for the links but I have already skimmed those. Well, not all of them but most of them. I had plenty of time during the conversion.

Thanks for the welcomes.
Hello everyone. I have registered to this site a few days ago. Unfortunately, it was under conversion to the new site so I was not able to do anything but read old post. My registration I made a few days ago did not work so I just made a new one.

So anyhow, HI EVERYONE! It's kinda exciting to be part of the family. A little about myself. I'm mid 30's and back in college. My parents' live out in the country (ok not that far out but far enough). They are the real homesteaders. They have all sorts of animals from ducks, dogs, had chickens till we butchered them all, turtles, pheasants and quails. It's really nice being out there just enjoying the land and watching the crops and animals grow.

I personally have not incubated any birds or own any birds but like I said, my parents do.

Anyhow, I will be posting in the incubator/diy forum once I find it. I'm building my parents a new cabinet incubator to play with.

Thanks for looking
Hi! :welcome
I am so happy you joined the flock! Make sure to spread your wings!

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