It's new to me!


8 Years
Apr 20, 2011
We have had the new additions to our family for one week today. My husband and I grew up in the city,so the fact that we are now raising chickens is really funny to us. We got three Rhode Island Reds and three Americaunas. They are happily cheeping in our basement as I type. Our oldest grandson loves coming to visit them. We had a coop made for us, and my husband is constructing the run. We estimate that he has at least three weeks to finish the project. Here in Massachusetts raising chickens has become a booming interest. Out of my twenty-one students, four children have chickens. I'm looking forward to learning more from all of you!
Welcome! My theory is we can replace theropists with chickens. They will listen to all our problems and give us "nuggets of knowledge" in the form of eggs. Yep good trade off. Just think how relaxing it is to just go out and sit with the girls for a while. Yep, heart attack rates go down, tempers fizzle, marriages get stronger. Yep, vote a chicken for president (ummm did we not already do that once?) and let the world go its way without us. lol
Welcome from NH!!! It is funny how chickens become part of your life when you never thought possible. I remember going to the county fair seeing my students showing their animals-pigs, cows, sheep, pigeons. And now I will have chickens...

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