
11 Years
Apr 13, 2008
Okay well my whole thought about incubating eggs for my girl scouts is completely out I am pretty sure. I was reading in my rule book, there is 2 for every function or activity I do with the girls, and it specifically say the girls my have no contact with chicks or ducklings because they carry salmonella and it could be transferred to the girls! I am pretty sure that this mean no incubating eggs with my troop. They seem to have rules for everything. I am trying so hard to do fun, educational things with the girls, I have Cadettes and it is hard to keep them interested when they think they are too old for girl scouts! AHHHHHHHHHH.

Okay thats me venting before I go to the office to talk to them about it.
what?! Thats the dumbest thing I've ever heard..

okay..what about if THEY dont touch the chicks/ducklings once they hatch?? Can you get around the clause that way??? What if they do everything UP UNTIL THAT POINT...


I wonder if its just for peoples farm eggs or if grocery store eggs count?? Success has been renederd with grocery store eggs you know
you better not let them eat peanut butter either

How stupid is that rule. Salmonella has been in the news alot lately and it sure hasnt been from eggs, hatched eggs or baby chicks! I would send a letter to the parents stating your interest in doing this w/the club and ask their permission. But, I am one who believes some rules are just made to be broken.
That is pretty weird, my daughters troop went and toured a perdue chicken farm once. Is part of the reason we got our own chickens. I wonder when they started that rule.
before you go out and break a rule be warned you could loose your troop. Boy Scouts have lots of those fairly ignorant rules itself. Been involved in it for way to all starts with some idiot doing something then a bunch of other idiots things they know better and well yeah...that made no sense!...but I feel your pain...I would do it anyways if it were me but I am prone to ignorant stuff! Can we say savanah monitor in a classroom!
How did we girl scouts of the 1950's survive? We had no seatbelts, drank out of the garden hose, ate peanutbutter, shared bottles of pop, slept outside with no tents above us, and built campfires without supervision.
The legalities of it. Are you fileing for a trip permit to do your meeting at a place other than your normally scheduled meeting place? If so then they have a say. What has been know to happen is that you inivite a group of girls(not in thier uniforms) to come to your house for a visit. Just because all of the invited girls are from your troop, these things happen.

Also go to you council website there should be a link for Saftywise Updates, suppose to be a new book coming out in 2010.
Well I wonder if I could either get around it by them not touching the chicks or by getting parents permission. My girls really want to do this and I really don't think that the parents would mind, okay maybe 1 that always wants me to change everything to her liking. You guys don't understand that is the WHOLE reason my DH is finally letting me make a bator. It took me 2 1/2 years of begging to get chickens and another year to beg for the bator and now I see it all going down the drain. My DH doens't think that we need more chickens but I want to hatch eggs.
I was actually going to transport the bator to our meeting place, that way I didn't have to get seprate permission slips for each visit and then when they hatched I was going to let Becca, my daughter in the troop, have a hatching "party" and invite all her friends because they really frown unpon you having the girls at your home. That I can understand but some of these rules are just off the wall stupid!

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