it's not pretty but it might work for hawks

ozark hen

Living My Dream
15 Years
Apr 4, 2007
Mansfield, MO
After reading so many horror stories about hawk's taking off with all my byc friend's chickens it scared me into rigging up a cover for my run. Now my chickens never used the run as they flew out of it and we couldn't afford to cover it with wire at the time it was put up. After seeing Speckled Hen's run it gave me the idea to criss-cross yarn..yes, I said yarn..with cd's threaded on it all over the top of my run. It took me two days and three sets of clothes due to cold rain but it is I am not saying it is pretty but let's hope it works till I can get some fishing line or something else to replace it with...


Now my poultry does go into lock down at night. This morning I found one broken strand of yarn in the run but nothing in the run. So I will get something else to lace over the top of all this yarn.
I forgot, my guineas found a gap yesterday and flew out but I fixed the gap today but had to leave the run open until everyone goes to roost tonight to get my guineas back in the coop.
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Looks real good. I must say, I was looking more at HOW GREEN it looks there! When did you take this picture? It's WHITE here! I so long for coop!


I took these pics about an hour ago. Yes, it is very green here. We had ice on the trees and grass a couple days ago but now it is gone. My dh and I talked about how green everything was in Oct. usually it is brown and dead looking but it isn't that way this year. We had lots of rain at the right time.
Wow, that must have taken quite a while! I dont have as much strung as I'd like on mine-yours is covered better!One suggestion though, if you don't mind. I see that your CDs are pretty tight to the line; if you'll take a few and hang them lower on a string so they can twirl better and swing freer, it may help throw more reflections around. It may just be the picture or my eyes if I have it wrong. They do occasionally swing around the line they're hung on and have to be unwound, but not that badly. I do believe it helps keep the hawks out, maybe not foolproof, but easier and cheaper than covering with wire and give you something to do with all those CDs you get in the mail, LOL.
thank you , no they don't swing, didn't think of that!
I will try to fix it. I was afraid I didn't have enough yarn strung since the guineas flew out yesterday. Right now I am doing laundry and housework...I love a clean house but hate doing it..I would rather be working outside but since I worked outside all day yesterday all this morning on the run I need to finish house first.
I will change some of those cd's though, thanks a bunch.
Well I will keep my fingers
I did just run out and redo about four disks but it started raining AGAIN. It is just a light rain but after yesterday....getting soaked ot the skin twice in the cold rain...I gave it up for now. ha
What a job!
I've got a hawk hanging around quite bravely in the lower branches in the yard. Fortunately I covered the entire run with 1x2 wire, so my girls are safe. They still get locked down at night though.
Hope the laced yarn and cds do the trick for you!

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