It's official. I'm moving to Arkansas!

When? Where? If it's not tooooooo far....I'll be there. Looking forward to meeting Arkansans~
You'll be closer to our NW AR members than us central Arkies (you'll be a couple hours from Little Rock), but Arkansas is a smallish state, and no place is really too far from the middle.

OK, you asked for it!

DH got a job with a company there. If he is there and I am here, he can come home for a week or so every 6-8 weeks. If I move there, he is home most nights, and off most weekends (at least Sundays) So....

The past 2 years we have spent MAYBE a total of 5 months together, with the longest stretch being 2 weeks. His job was supposed top be out for 2 weeks, in for 1, occaisionally longer trips. They would send him out supposedly for 2 weeks and he's be gone 2 months. Then he would be scheduled to be gone for 6 weeks, and be back in a week and not go out for 2 weeks. Or they would TELL him he'd be home for a certain number of days, then call him up after a couple days and say to report the next day. It's very hard to plan a budget when you never know when the paychecks are coming in (the weeks he didn't work, no pay of course) and forget about planning any sort of social activities. About the only thing we could count on was being able to go to the movies, but not even that always, cuz we would be planning to go to a new movie we wanted to see and they would call and he'd have to leave before Friday when the new movies start. Then there are those chores around the house that are possible with one person, but so much easier/safer with 2 that never seem to be done or we have to spend most of the time he's home catching up on. So it has been really hard on us.

Then there is my boss.....

73 years old, crotchety does not BEGIN to decribe him! He knows everything about everything and you can'y teach him anything becasue he has been everywhere and done everything. (he told me yesterday when we were looking a cakes for the wedding chapel that we should buy plain ones and frost and decorate them. I put my foot down and said "Are you nuts? Do you know how much time that will take?" he said he could do it in 30 seconds cuz he used to work in a cake place for 3 weeks one time) I am pretty sure he is in early stage Alzheimers, (he has a family history of dementia too)the stage where he is beginning to realize he is forgetting things and he gets very belligerant and defensive about it. He is and always has been a TOTAL control freak. EVERYTHING has to be completely HIS way or not at all. It's HIS business and it will be run HIS way. Even though some of his ideas and methods are 30 years outdated, from back when he used to be "The top producer for Blah-Blah Insurance company" (frankly, after listening to his stories, I am shocked he never got sued for harrassment and intimidation) he thinks he is gods gift to women and hires bimbos he meets in places like Krystal and the flea market because he thinks he will have a shot at them, rather than any other qualifications they may have, then we have to work with them and are not allowed to complain or criticize them becasue the Flavor of The Week can do NO WRONG, he chose them, so they are PERFECT! Until he figures out that they already have a boyfriend, or simply are not interested or they steal something . If it's the first 2 he claims they are gay and making passes at the customers. Becasue of course! They HAVE to be flaming lesbians if they aren't interested in HIM! When he thinks he'll get lucky, he takes Viagra (I pick up his prescriptions sometimes)then the next day, he comes in with his face beet red and his temper through the roof. and I am the one that gets yelled at and blamed for everything. He figures that I am the only one that can handle it. If he yelled at the others, they would dissolve in tears and or quit. He also thinks that if he yells at me, the manager in front of whoever really did whatever, they will get the message that what they did was wrong and not do it again. Yeah right! 1/2 of them are too stupid to realize, and the other 1/2 figure they can do whatever they want cuz I'll get blamed for it. Then he wonder WHY they don't listen to me. Gee, same thing: 1/2 are saying, "he treats her like poop, doesn't have respect for her, so why should I?" and the others are too scared cuz they think THEY will get yelled at. If he wants to make someone feel good, he doesn't pump them up, he belittles another person (again, usually me)
Although I kow that a lot of it is due to his sickness and he really doesn't mean it (he does at the time, but iforgets and s bright and sunny 30 mins later)I can't take it anymore. It's like your horse stepping on your foot or kid hitting you in the face with an elbow. They didn't mean it, but that doesn't MAKE IT HURT ANY LESS!!!
The past 2 months, I have been working my tail off to open his new business (wedding chapel) and I think I have done a pretty good job, considering it is a field I have very little experience in. But, as with most new businesses (especially ones that have a lot of long-established competition) it is off to a slow, but steadily growing start. But he will throw tantrums about me not doing the right advertising and schmoozing etc.
speaking of schmoozing, I did the website too)

I have been making less money there because I lose out on commissions, bonuses and tips at the stables. He keeps promising that once it gets going, I will be making a LOT of money, but hasn't promised me commissions, or anything specific.


OK, I think you can get just a hint of why I am moving....
Sorry to vent, but you guys are always SO good at listening, sympathizing and giving advice.
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