It's true.. I got day-old white chinese!

Puddle Foot Farm

11 Years
Aug 20, 2008
Just got them.. We went to pick up 3, came home with 4!!! They're adorable, but TINY. Much smaller than toulouse. My goose is insure what to think of them. She is about 5 weeks old right now..

Quick question, do geese drown themselves like ducks do? My others didn't seem to drink as much as these ones, but these ones are younger (hatched yesterday). I put their water in, then took it out because they were drinking a lot, then put it back in, and now it's out again. Should I do this, or leave it? I heard that this is one of the main causes of them dying at a young age.. Read it somewhere here.

Will post pics ASAP, but SYTYCD finale is on! =O Such an exciting night!


Congrats. With my ducklings, I only worry about overdrinking for the first couple of hours. They should be fine tonight with water.

And now it's picture time.
I just took picture and am uploading them, but still scared about the water.. Whenever I put it in, it seems that three of them, one in particular are drinking a lot and then shaking their heads to get it out.. I know when I put water in again, one shook a lot of liquid out of itself.. I'm guessing they aren't ready for free water yet? They've only had water for.. At most three hours.
I picked one out after watering time, and when it shook its head, mucus-type water (I dunno how to describe it) came out..
Should I really leave water in with them?
If it makes you nervous, take the water out when you go to bed (and the food) and give it back first thing in the a.m. Then you can have a good night sleep.
Yeah, I've been going up there every so often giving them little bits of water.. Each time they seem to all start "sneezing", shake their heads, and then run around in circles.. I have no idea if they're just excited, but I think they're really young so they'll live.. I'll probably go to bed at about 2 here, give them last food/water of the night, and then wake up at 6 or 7 to check on them.
How the capture the hearts in mere minutes..

The group..


We have a Harry Potter theme. My eldest goose is Luna, and now there is Gilderoy. One is Cho, then there is Ginny, and then Neville probably.
Not really final on the names, though..
Btw, thanks for all the congrats! I've been so worried that I was blinded to happiness.. I am very excited though! Hope the pictures suffice! I'll take more tomorrow..

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