I've been bitten ! šŸ˜±

I live on a very rocky, south facing hill. If you look in the encyclopedia for copperhead terrain, there is a picture of my back yard !!! :rolleyes:

If I ever get bit, my personal plan is to go directly to the ER. All three of my dogs have been bitten by copperhead at least once, one got it twice that I know of ..... One almost died, but recovered fully.

Dogs seem to do better than people with an envenomated bite. I took her to the vet, who said "there is basically nothing I can do for her, besides give pain meds, and antibiotics" Antivenin is not widely available, EXTREMLY expensive, and from my research, (I've done a TON of research) is quite often, more dangerous than the bite itself.

Look it up.

I PERSONALLY would refuse antivenin treatment, until the seriousness of the bite was confirmed by an doctor educated in snake bites.

Infection, however is a concern, and an educated doctors opinion is most definitely a good idea.

Take the following advice for what it is ..... Some random guy on the internets opinion !!!

That being said, there are some home remedies that I would also do, before my long trek to the hospital. My first action, minutes after a bite, would be to apply a high voltage, low amp, series of shocks, from a device like this. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LED421Y/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I always carry this exact product, one in my pack, one in my car, and one in my house, for just this situation. This is a very controversial treatment, but from my extensive research, is a treatment that I personally would apply ..... ON MY WAY TO THE ER !!!

There are MANY studies that show the drastic lessening of necrotic damage in people who receive this treatment within an hour or so of the bite, and a HUGE decline in deaths from snake bites. There are also MANY doctors, mainly in the U.S., who scoff at this, as it is NOT approved for use by the USDA.


My second action would be to apply a plantain poltice, made with my own saliva, packed in the bite, and wrapped with a bandage to hold it in place. This would be done after the shock treatment, and ON MY WAY TO THE ER !!!

About half of copperhead bites are dry, meaning little to no venom is injected. Again, from my research, older, larger snakes are more prone to bite, without injecting venom. BUT I WOULD STILL GO THE ER !!!
crestcrazy2 from 'Missuori' was outside barefoot in the dark, what bit or stung him/her? he/she probably doesn't really know...

Why do you say "in the dark"?

Looking at the time stamp of the first post, and accounting for time zone changes, I think it was probably posted at 6:45 pm local time for crestcrazy2.

And that is after the bite, the initial assesment at home, and the application of home remedy.

So I assumed the bite happened during daylight.
I think it was closer to a dry bite !
My mom's friend got bit and her whole leg was swelled up by the next day and mines not ! View attachment 2264185
I honestly think I'll be fine !
I think you'll be fine too.
I think everybody here is assuming that you were actually bit by a copperhead and it injected you with its venom... I don't believe that's the case.
I think you'll be fine too.
I think everybody here is assuming that you were actually bit by a copperhead and it injected you with its venom... I don't believe that's the case.
Do they sometimes not actually inject venom? I didnā€™t realize that. Thatā€™s interesting! I feel like the foot would be a lot more swollen by now if it was a bad one, right?
Do they sometimes not actually inject venom? I didnā€™t realize that. Thatā€™s interesting! I feel like the foot would be a lot more swollen by now if it was a bad one, right?
Copperhead venom can take a day or two to start doing its thing, so it may just take a couple more hours for the serious symptoms to set in.
Why do you say "in the dark"?

Looking at the time stamp of the first post, and accounting for time zone changes, I think it was probably posted at 6:45 pm local time for crestcrazy2.

And that is after the bite, the initial assesment at home, and the application of home remedy.

So I assumed the bite happened during daylight.
I would have sworn when I first read it, it read last night. I went back and re read... my mistake.

Although the time stamp says 945 pm, possibly why I thought it was dark.
* wear shoes if you live in poisonous snake country.
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