I've candled my first eggs!!! Day 7 Pics!

Day 12. Lots of movement!!!
The babies went into lockdown last night. Just a recap. We started with 11. Had 2 clears and one early death. So that brings us to 8 viable eggs. I belive one of them is also an early death but I wasn't totally sure so it went into lock down with the rest. So 7 definitely viable at day 18 and 1 still questionable.
Day 21!!!!! Got 3 babies this afternoon and 5 more pips so far. Looks like a RIR, a Plymouth Rock, and an Ancona. All mutts so who knows. Tiny lil Ancona is LOUD!

Started with 23 eggs. 4 started weeping nasty brown stuff so had to remove. NEVER had this happen before. Anyone know what causes this? Embryo dies? Glad I got them out before they burst.

Day 21!!!!! Got 3 babies this afternoon and 5 more pips so far. Looks like a RIR, a Plymouth Rock, and an Ancona. All mutts so who knows. Tiny lil Ancona is LOUD!

Started with 23 eggs. 4 started weeping nasty brown stuff so had to remove. NEVER had this happen before. Anyone know what causes this? Embryo dies? Glad I got them out before they burst.

I've never had seeping eggs but from what I understand from reading it is an early death and it just seeps through the pores of the egg when it rots basically.
Okay. So, we are HATCHING!!!

Everything started late last night. Haven't gotten much sleep because I'm a paranoid momma hen!

So, as of right now, we have 4 pips!
3 are in the wrong end but beaks out moving, breathing, and chirping.
The 4th is pipped correctly and also moving and peeping!

So now, back to hovering over the bator like a crazy person!
for the ones that pipped on the wrong end, make sure that you turn the eggs over when their beaks point toward the ground (turn it skyward).
I have had a chick drown in fluid in that position :(

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