I've found a chicken


7 Years
Jun 15, 2012

About four days ago I saw a chicken wandering in our back yard, and when I came out to have a closer look it looked terrified and ran away into the bushes and hid from me. After having managed to feed it and calm it down a little, it has taken to me. A few days later its still here in our back yard and its not scared of our cat, nor is our cat chasing it or wanting to harm it in any way. I'm unsure if its a female or male and how old it is, but by the look of it its still quite young and looks a little battered. It now jumps up and rests on my shoulder or sits on my lap and cleans its feathers so it doesn't look like its in any hurry to leave, and I'm completely unsure of what to do or how to take care of it. It seems to have found itself a nice big pot plant to rest in at night time, but it wanders around the whole yard pooing everywhere. A little advice would be good before my parents decide to get rid of it because I've really taken a liking to the chicken. Shes about the size of two closed fists placed together (female).

Also, we live NO WHERE near a farm or anything like that, so I'm unsure where its come from as none of our neighbours own chickens either.
Oh don't worry its not me getting close to it haha its basically jumping all over me and sitting in my lap everytime I walk outside the house. I posted this in another forum and everyone agreed it looks like a hen.
You could check your local craigslist (or similar ad service) for a cheap chicken tractor--or small coop. If you are handy enough, they one be very easily built (look in the BYC "coops" section). That way she won't poo all over everything and keep her a little safer. There are currently a ton of books out about caring for chickens--even small flocks in town. A Chicken in Every Yard, Keep Chickens!, etc. etc.

If you keep her, you will eventually want to get her a hen friend. If you can't keep her, you could list her on Craigslist.
What a cute hen, it looks like she's chosen her new home :).

I agree, look for a cheap chicken-tractor on craigslist, or even a used dog-kennel for her. Chickens arn't choosy, but they can be attacked at night by predators if they arn't protected.

You could always tell your parents about how wonderful fresh eggs taste when she starts laying!
I agree she's a hen and a mixed breed. Chickens are a social animal and it sounds like she has appointed you as a member of her flock. She is still quite young, maybe 8 weeks or so. Show your parents how responsible you are by cleaning up after her. Make yourself a little chicken poo cleaning kit (spray cleaner, washcloth, scrub brush). If you have a shed or storage building on your property, ask about making a small area for her in there for safe sleeping. Set her a roost and some newspaper under the roost to catch her droppings and you can remove it daily. Be sure to provide her with chick feed (small bag is $5) so she can continue to grow properly. Consider yourself quite lucky that she has chosen you. Chicken can make great pets and are very therapeutic. If you are able to get her a small coop, consider getting another chicken as a friend for her as well. Keep you eyes open for things that can make good coops, like plastic playhouses, large dog houses, or build your own using free wooden pallets. Use your imagination and enjoy your new friend!
What a neat chicken! Lots of people keep just a few chickens in regular subdivisions and even cities. It's kind of the hot new thing.

Everyone has given you great advice. I'd like to stress the importance of predator protection. Animals like raccoons are strong and clever and more common than you would think. Find or buy very strong materials, like 1/2-inch hardware cloth. Chicken wire will NOT keep predators out.

Enjoy your chicken! She's lucky to have found you.
She looks like a mixed breed. I havn't seen anything like her in the breeds selection, but a closer picture would help.

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