I've gone nuts - 48 eggs in - hatch date - 14th November.


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 27, 2011
Canberra, Australia
My hubby thinks I have gone nuts and is dubbing me the crazy chicken lady.

I have just put into the bator 48 mixed eggs.
Eckkk, this is the most I have ever tried hatched.
The farm where I got these eggs gave them to me for free, as the last lot had average fertility, (we have had funny weather) so I doubt that many will go past day 7.
Wish me luck guys and feel free to join.

So I have in the bator,
18 jap bantams
13 Pekin bantams
11 Golden Seabright bantams
6 Speckled Sussex
Whatever will you do with all those roosters?

These will be sold as day olds I hope, otherwise I might be in a bit of strife.

Last season I had no trouble re homing any roosters, so heres hoping.
I just love the look on the kids faces when they watch them hatch and could watch chickens all day.

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