I've got a green egg layer!

I've just gotten my first green eggs too- my, they are beautiful! I love your carton pic! I swear the color changes as the egg cools. Too neat!
Very Cool! I've got some araucanas, and hopefully they should start laying soon. When they start laying, will they lay them in the coop or should I keep my eyes open around the yard?
Still waiting on my 3 EE's to begin laying.

I'm green with envy!
Take a look everywhere. My EE that is laying the green eggs, and either my other EE or my Welsummer, are laying in a corner of the coop, but haven't decided to use the nest box yet. However, my salmon faverolle started laying a couple days ago and so far she's layed her eggs on the ground in the run.
I put some store-bought eggs in the nest box, and set each of the hens in there hoping they'll get the idea. They looked at the eggs, but looked less than impressed and hopped back out. I'm hoping I can get them to learn to lay in the correct place soon.

I am so impressed with these ladies so far. First brown egg was last Friday, followed by the green eggs on probably Sunday (found two on Monday), and faverolle egg on Wednesday, and I already have a total of 13 eggs! I need to find a special omelet or quiche recipe to use them in this week.

My husband told his boss about the green eggs today and boss insisted that he was lying and stated adamantly that eggs are only white or brown - no other colors.

Congrats to everyone else who is getting green eggs, or eggs of any color for that matter. I am really enjoying this chicken venture and so glad I got into it!
What a beautiful shade of blue! I'm jealous! My EEs are laying dark green, light green, and light blue eggs, but none of them are as pretty as those!
We have three girls, one has started laying. One is black with white speckles, the other is a rhode island red. The third is white. One of them laid a seafoam egg. Which one is it?

The incredible edible egg:

Who done it?



And the lucky guy:

If you can, please identify the breeds too. The cockrel was supposed to be a pullet and lay green eggs, but now I'm confused. We got the chickens from a friend about a week ago. We think the white bird is about 2 weeks older than the others, so I'm guessing it was her. See seems to be wooed the most by manly displays of affection too.
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I would say the white one as well. The picture of the second chicken is a SLW and they lay brown eggs. Not sure of the breed of the third bird but it probably lays brown eggs as well so by elimination it must be the white one.

ETA - BTW Matt-B very pretty egg color!
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