I've never seen anything like this!!!😲😲



Aug 12, 2021
Hey guys, I just had to share this because this is so cool!! One of my easter egger chicks just started laying, and a few days egg she layed this monster egg. It's about 1nch wide and 2inches long, it looks more like a potato than an egg:) Well today we cracked it open thinking there might be three or four yolks, but guess what? She layed an egg inside an egg!! Two yolks in all, one inside the small egg and one inside the large shell carrying the small egg. I've never seen anything like this, have you? Pics below
I feel sorry for the chicken that laid that one, ouch. BUT, if she comfortably laid that without any issues, and this is just the start of her laying career, you may be in store for a bunch of large eggs.

Never seen the egg within an egg before, but I'm assuming this was one of her first eggs and her system is still sorting things out.
Yes, that's what I'm thinking too. All my easter egger chickens are small (they almost look like bantams) and you should have seen my face when I found that egg😂
I've had a couple double yoked eggs before. Another tiny one with no yolk in it all from the same chicken! It is normal to see some wonky eggs from those that just started laying. But those yolks are a weird color!
Yeah, I think her system is just working things out. What makes you think that the yolks are a weird color? Just wondering

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