Ivermec Eprinex shelf life?


11 Years
Jul 25, 2008
Adirondack Foothills, NY
Good Morning,

The smallest container of ivermec eprinex available is 250ml. That's alot of wormer.... how long will this drug keep and under what conditions is it best stored under? Thank you
Ivomec Eprinex containers have expiration dates on them. If you are ordering on line I would call and ask, as how much time is left will depend on how long the product has been sitting on a shelf waiting to be sold. I gave away 95% of the bottle I had because so little is needed and a February 2009 expiration was approaching - probably had my bottle for a couple of years.

I would try to store in a dry cool place if possible. Wasn't possible for me in NJ because of the stinkin' humidity in the summer, but I have no info that says this hurt it any.


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