Ivermec Pour on..How long until the lice are dead???


THE Delaware Blue Hen
12 Years
Feb 21, 2007
Home Of The Delaware Blue Hen
I have been reading and reading on here for days about the ivermec pour on how and what it is used for. I found some buggies on my birds so instead of dusting each one, I decided to give the ivermec a try. I put 4-5 drops on the large fowl and 2 drops on the silkies. (the silkies are in a separate pen and didn't have any on them, but I treated them anyway.) This is my first run in with the lice in my big pen. Some of the silkies had them when I got them but they were quarentined and treated last year and I haven't had any trouble with them having lice again.
I applied it yesterday and when I checked one of my girls today, they were still there running around . How long until they are dead?
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They will die as soon as they take a bite of your birds. You really need to clean out the environment, too, to achieve good results. Bugs can live in the coop for several days without a host. They may be able to avoid getting poisoned by just hanging in the coop and not actively feeding on your treated birds.
Ok, I cleaned the coop yesterday but should I sprinkle DE all over to kill any stragglers in the coop? Will DE do the job?

And with the pour on, it is only behind the neck that is needs to be applied?

ETA: Another thing, I read many posts on here saying that it is 4-5 drops for the standard sized birds and 2 for the bantams but I was reading when I googled and read somewhere that you are supposed to use MORE because it is the pour on vs. the injectable??

Any help would be greatly appreciated, searching posts can only help you so much befor you have to ask the real questions that you need answers to!
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It maybe a good idea to dust your pen really good with sevens dust. Make sure to get it in all the nooks n crannies.
DE is a good preventive; however, if you already have an infestation you need the sevens dust.
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Hey Bec, sorry to hear about the beasties moving in.

I have no clue how long it takes for the ivermectin to kill them, but I'd say 12 hours would be a good bet.

As far as the coop? Spring cleaning is coming early this year! 5% Sevin dust it the one to use, not the 10%. I also recommend going ahead and painting/whitewashing everything you can, helps keep the lice/mites from hiding in the wood. Sunny_chic says treating roosts with tea tree oil will work, too.

P.S. Your grands are doing well, but Elwood never shuts up.....

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