ivermectin Dosage/ dust bath


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 26, 2011
I have read several different threads on the dosage for ivermectin and there is a lot of conflicting information. I also started a thread about a year ago on how to fight mites, but I am still lacking some information. And the problem is still reoccurring

I purchased "Priority Care" Privermectin Pour-on. There is 5mg of ivermectin per ml. I am planning on treating topically. What would the proper dosage be for this generic brand of ivermectin In cc/ml? Can you use this to treat younger birds (6-8 weeks old)? If you can use it on younger birds, what would the dosage be? I would like to treat every one in the flock at the same time. This includes the younger birds.

I am also going to clean my coop out before I treat with the ivermectin. Can I still use the permitherin powder in there coop/ in there nesting boxes if I am treating the birds with ivermectin?

I will also be purchasing a pan of some sort to fill with dust to keep in their coop so they can dust bathe more often. They haven't been able to be outside often due to weather, so they aren't dust bathing as often. I think this is part of the problem. Is sand ok to use? Or is there something else that will work better?

Thank you in advance for any answers.
My vet told me that I could give .4mg/kg IM, so I think that's .04ml per 2.2 pounds when using the 1% injectable. Please double check my math as I have not had my coffee yet!

FYI, there is a study that show ivermectin as an ineffective wormer for poultry. It will still work for mites, but don't count on it as a wormer.

Okay... did some research and the instructions say 1ml per 22 pounds (10kg), so you would probably want to follow those instructions and give it at .1ml per 2.2 pounds (1kg). Again, check my math!

Kathy, thank you :) I found that each ml of IVOMEC contains 10 mg of ivermectin in the 1% injectable. I purchased the pour on generic version which is 5mg per ml. So.... if my math is right that would be .2ml per 2.2 lbs... right? The dose rate is 1 mL for each 22 lb of body weight for the product I purchased....
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I got Ivermectin pour on for cattle to treat my chickens for mites. I used and eye dropper and dripped 3-4 drops at the base of the neck and tail on my smaller chickens, (Gold stars, EE's, around 2-4 pounds.) and 5-7 drops on my bigger chickens. (Buff orpingtons, australorps, around 5-8 pounds.) I made sure to get it on the skin underneath the feathers. I didn't eat the eggs for 10 days. Hope everything gets better! If it is younger, smaller birds, I might use less.

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