Ivermectin effective against Covid 19?!


Crossing the Road
8 Years
Apr 9, 2016
California's Redwood Coast
Dear chicken friends.. We all know what Covid and the fear of Covid has caused throughout recent history. :barnie

We also know that our "government" CANNOT be expected to know what is in the best interest of the PEOPLE but are indeed looking out for their own interest, whatever that may be.

Anyways.. as an avid animal keeper.. I cannot ignore this video with a possible affordable and LIFE SAVING resolution to the whole Covid crud AND it's sitting right in my cabinet.. Surely SOMEONE in the medical profession cares about human life more than the bottom $ of big pharma!

Please understand.. I am talking about resolutions here and NOT conspiracy theories, finger pointing, or any fear mongering. I am also discussing scientific related research and NOT opinions.. This being one of my favored communities for cutting straight through to the heart of matters when it really counts! :highfive:

Please tell me, with your eyes wide open.. Have you seen any research that agrees with or refutes the video I'm posting? I will accept deductive reasoning as not being opinion but rather part of the learning process if that's how you arrive at something else! :pop

ETA: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7521351/

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Thanks, I appreciate the feedback! I'm mostly quoting you to bump the thread. :highfive:

I was hoping any of more discerning or educated minds might have some intriguing input.. :cool:

For myself.. all that I know, and every fiber of my being SCREAMS.. No! to the (Covid) vaccines CURRENTLY being developed & discussed as *possibly* becoming "mandatory". :tongue

But I'm burnt out on fake news being given by folks with an agenda and propagated by those who can't see it. Hmm.. that looks like a root word for.. propaganda! :oops:

Edited to be a little more kind! :hugs
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Dear chicken friends.. We all know what Covid and the fear of Covid has caused throughout recent history. :barnie

We also know that our "government" CANNOT be expected to know what is in the best interest of the PEOPLE but are indeed looking out for their own interest, whatever that may be.

Anyways.. as an avid animal keeper.. I cannot ignore this video with a possible affordable and LIFE SAVING resolution to the whole Covid crud AND it's sitting right in my cabinet.. Surely SOMEONE in the medical profession cares about human life more than the bottom $ of big pharma!

Please understand.. I am talking about resolutions here and NOT conspiracy theories, finger pointing, or any fear mongering. I am also discussing scientific related research and NOT opinions.. This being one of my favored communities for cutting straight through to the heart of matters when it really counts! :highfive:

Please tell me, with your eyes wide open.. Have you seen any research that agrees with or refutes the video I'm posting? I will accept deductive reasoning as not being opinion but rather part of the learning process if that's how you arrive at something else! :pop

ETA: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7521351/
Well, I'll just throw this out here. Almost any nutjob can testify before the senate and youtube is a bad place to get your information. I don't respect it as a credible information source anymore than I respect memes.

So - the study shows it works, but it's mostly being used in India where more expensive medications are rare. If a doctor prescribed me Ivermectin I'd take it, but more relevantly it seems to have little to no effect on the highest risk group of people which is extubated critical care patients. Steroids are currently best for that, but all medications do little.

My main concern is people are going to see the ivermectin producing a 10% reduction in specific deaths is either a) an excuse not to take precautions, B) a reason to dose themselves, or C) form cannabis-oil/cure-for-cancer level conspiracy theories around it. Our feed store has all such meds under lock and key right now as a result of all this and if people are too stupid they'll be on a prescription-only list in a heartbeat for the rest of time. We've seen this happen already and it's terrible and dumb.

As for the vaccine, antivaxxing is 100% a chemtrails level conspiracy theory and not even worth taking seriously. My sister and her husband are in the pfeizer trials and have had the vaccine. Yes there are side effects they're monitoring closely - the VAST majority of them are injection site reactions (pain, swelling, itching redness) that subsides in 3-4 days. Vaccines are a very old and well studied science and this vaccine doesn't even have live virus or mercury in it. The Moderna vaccine and the Pfeizer vaccine are similar in effective rates because they attack the virus in the same way. Both vaccines ARE meeting and completing international safety standards for vaccinations and are already being issued publicly in the UK. By the time USA gets them we will have not only months of widespread use from overseas to look at but nearly a year of limited human trials as data. Given the long term effects of the disease on the body and the extraordinary safety measures being taken to monitor these vaccine trials and public scrutiny of them it's deeply unlikely that the cure will be worse than the disease. I will be getting the vaccine when it is available for me to get - probably June 2021.

Not that the companies aren't corrupt. But they're not "sterilize your children and implant listening devices in your arms for our secret cabal of overlords who can't just use your smartphone metadata for some weird reason" corrupt - that's just lizard people conspiracy nonsense - they're just "I want to charge 3K per dose of vaccine that your tax dollars helped to develop" corrupt which is plenty real and bad enough and well documented. And it still won't stop me from getting the vaccine.

LOTS of scrutiny looking at safety. Extraordinary levels, really. By the time it hits the US for wide spread use next summer we'll know exactly what the risk factors are and how much better they are than COVID long-haulers at the same timeframe.

Drug companies being plenty corrupt about money;
Yeah, that’s interesting Ivermectin is a drug of interest. Never heard it about it having anti-viral properties! I think if these trials are showing good safety, wouldn’t hurt to apply to sick individuals, after those good trials are completed.
BUT, I also agree with Chocolate Mouse. I wouldn’t trust something off YouTube (but the article is interesting!). Also that humans are going to get foolish with it, and might die from improper use, get sick, or wipe out supply, etc.
I am by no means an antivaccine person. But vaccines have killed people. I personally will not be getting the covid vaccine. Not enough study on long term effects for me. However, if there are other drugs that can help, Ivermectin being one of them, then it's like everything else with this virus. Unknown and ever changing!

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