Ivermectin use in cats?

7 years ago this terrified, starving feral kitten/cat appeared around my dog pens scrounging for food. My original intent was to box trap and euthanize her - she would not enter the box traps - thankfully. What a trip I would have missed. I couldn't let her starve so I started leaving feed for her. What changes she has undergone. It has been very gradual, but finally this wilder than wild animal trusts me 85 %. She will now actually come up and smell my hand when I fill her food bowl. She really wants to be touched, but we are not quite there yet. She talks to me and sits there and kneads the ground when I talk to her. She is also starting to trust the Princess. 7 + years old and in great physical condition. Pretty good for a feral cat, but I keep her well fed. Hopefully we will get to the point where I can pet her, but first contact must come from her. I value my hands and fingers.

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