Ivermectin use in cats?

Something is going on, and I haven't been able to figure it out just yet. Scaredy has become elusive once again. She's not shy when she is about, but she is not about very much. I thought that after all these years she might have had kittens, but I saw her yesterday, and she does not appear to be nursing. I'm wondering if there are coyotes in the area.
Scaredy has developed a new routine. While I am out feeding the dogs she approaches within 20' of their pens and sits on the lawn. When I come back towards the house, she runs half way across the lawn, stops and sharpens her claws on the maple tree, and then runs under my truck waiting for me to fill her feed bowl. She's 'talking' the entire time that she is doing this. What a neat animal she is.
:rant Something is stealing Scaredy's food bowl. The second one disappeared last night. I've now placed a very heavy stainless steel bowl there. Tonight I gave her some leftover tuna salad and some ham salad. She sniffed the ham salad and gave me a disdainful look. Sorry Scaredy I forgot you do not eat pork.
She's entering her tenth winter here in great shape. Just watched her race across the back yard, pause, and then jump up into her pen and heated box. She's got the good life. Another cat has been coming around to eat. She is even more scared than Scaredy was when she arrived. I have never seen this cat during the day, but after Scaredy is done eating she approaches and eats. Again if 'she' is a female I hope that she has been spayed.

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