Ivermectin use in cats?

May be Scaredy did not want to come out because she was reading a good book ;)

Scaredy is going to be PO'd at me. :oops: Her sleeping quarters are the only heated box that I have. So, in order to transition EZ back outside I am placing him in her pen during the day and will bring him back inside at night. I'll do that for 4 or 5 days then transfer him to his old pen. I put a new blanket in the coop so that 'her' blanket doesn't get to smell like dog. I just know she is going to be bent out of shape.
Scaredy is going to be PO'd at me. :oops: Her sleeping quarters are the only heated box that I have. So, in order to transition EZ back outside I am placing him in her pen during the day and will bring him back inside at night. I'll do that for 4 or 5 days then transfer him to his old pen. I put a new blanket in the coop so that 'her' blanket doesn't get to smell like dog. I just know she is going to be bent out of shape.

Oh boy, I think you can count on an irritated kitty. Or at least a pouty cat. Maybe make it up to her with some special treat?
i really like this site. the main reason is no one claims to be an expert and answers questions based on personal experience. i am a scaredycat human. i am a new chick mom and lost one of my buff orpingtons a few months ago. spent many hours on webb researching chick illnesses and problems that may occur with raising chickens. i do this with all the pets i have acquired. she would have lived if i had used this site to find information. she had a condition called sour crop. i pay close attention to the behavior of my pets. i know right away if they are not them seleves. my largest girl was distancing herself from the other 5 hens and was fluffed up. i knew this was not normal and brought her in at once. after i observed her long enough to have the symptoms she was presenting i took to the webb to get information. it didn't take long to find webb sites that fit my description of her behavior. i followed the instructions from the post i used because she claimed this the advice were the instructions her vet gave her. she claimed to have had chickens of all flavors for 20 yrs. her site was a fairly large one and she sold products for farm animals. in other words her site appeared legit. her advice was not. it was the weekend and i live in a rual area. this is the reason i didn't snatch her up and take her to my vet. he is 85 yrs. old. he's seen it all. he has more awards than 50 old vets put together. he cares for animals for free. he provides his services to two huge counties for free. that's just a small sample of his generosity. he said any creature who has already lost that much fluid will not live if fluids are with held. i would have never done that if she had not specified it. that is what i mean about the way people post on this site. i have always given a lot of consideration to personal experience. most of the knowledge we use today is based on tried and proven. if i don't feel like i am still learning/teach- i feel some what useless. i have to stop now. i am crying and can't read what i type. it still hurts so much. you see i could have saved her. that's the part that's unbearable.
i really like this site. the main reason is no one claims to be an expert and answers questions based on personal experience. i am a scaredycat human. i am a new chick mom and lost one of my buff orpingtons a few months ago. spent many hours on webb researching chick illnesses and problems that may occur with raising chickens. i do this with all the pets i have acquired. she would have lived if i had used this site to find information. she had a condition called sour crop. i pay close attention to the behavior of my pets. i know right away if they are not them seleves. my largest girl was distancing herself from the other 5 hens and was fluffed up. i knew this was not normal and brought her in at once. after i observed her long enough to have the symptoms she was presenting i took to the webb to get information. it didn't take long to find webb sites that fit my description of her behavior. i followed the instructions from the post i used because she claimed this the advice were the instructions her vet gave her. she claimed to have had chickens of all flavors for 20 yrs. her site was a fairly large one and she sold products for farm animals. in other words her site appeared legit. her advice was not. it was the weekend and i live in a rual area. this is the reason i didn't snatch her up and take her to my vet. he is 85 yrs. old. he's seen it all. he has more awards than 50 old vets put together. he cares for animals for free. he provides his services to two huge counties for free. that's just a small sample of his generosity. he said any creature who has already lost that much fluid will not live if fluids are with held. i would have never done that if she had not specified it. that is what i mean about the way people post on this site. i have always given a lot of consideration to personal experience. most of the knowledge we use today is based on tried and proven. if i don't feel like i am still learning/teach- i feel some what useless. i have to stop now. i am crying and can't read what i type. it still hurts so much. you see i could have saved her. that's the part that's unbearable.

Losing one is always hard, but feeling like you could have prevented it is even harder. Don't kick yourself for not knowing; you can't be sure she would have survived, even if you had done things differently.:hugs
Many years ago Scaredy almost got caught by a coyote in deep snow; therefore, she becomes very cautious if the snow is deep. We got 15" yesterday, and she still has not come across the back yard to the deck. I put a can of cat food in her sleeping quarters, but she quickly left and went under one of my lofts. She is still untrusting if she feels cornered or 'trapped'.

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